Saturday, May 31, 2014

Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA in museum specimens of Peromyscus leucopus.

This is an old study (1994) but interesting nonetheless.


 1994 Oct;170(4):1027-32.

Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA in museum specimens of Peromyscus leucopus.

Author information

  • 1Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts.


To determine whether Borrelia burgdorferi was enzootic within the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, ear skin samples taken from museum specimens of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) were examined for evidence of spirochetal DNA. In total, 280 samples from mice collected between 1870 and 1919 were analyzed by a nested polymerase chain reaction protocol. Of these, 2 specimens from the vicinity of Dennis, Massachusetts, during 1894 were reproducibly positive for B. burgdorferi OspA sequences. The remaining 278, representing both currently endemic and nonendemic sites, were negative for spirochetal DNA. These studies suggest that the agent of Lyme disease was present in a suitable reservoir host in the United States before the turn of the century and provide evidence against a hypothesis of recent introduction of this zoonotic agent to North America.

Mayday rally in VA at IDSA headquarters.

For those interested in media coverage of this event, while there were only 70 in attendance at the Mayday rally in Arlington, VA, it was reported by those in attendance to be a high-quality event with constructive energy and has garnered positive local press in the DC area. 

Here are a few:

Includes a brief clip with Dr. David Stewart, ILADS LLMD in Leesburg, VA speaking on sexual transmission:

Friday, May 30, 2014

Amber discovery indicates Lyme disease is older than human race

New information from Oregon State University:

Lyme disease is a stealthy, often misdiagnosed disease that was only recognized about 40 years ago, but new discoveries of ticks fossilized in amber show that the bacteria which cause it may have been lurking around for 15 million years -- long before any humans walked on Earth. The findings were made by researchers who studied 15-20 million-year-old amber from the Dominican Republic that offer the oldest fossil evidence ever found of Borrelia, a type of spirochete-like bacteria that to this day causes Lyme disease. Read the rest of the story here:

There's also a discussion going on here:

Fifteen Million-Year-Old Tick Found Carrying Disease Resembling Lyme Disease.

The Los Angeles Times (5/30, Morin) reports recent research published in Historical Biology found a tick trapped 15 million years ago in an amber droplet may have been infected with a bacteria resembling Lyme disease. The tick was found in the present-day Dominican Republic. Of four ticks found, only one appeared to carry the disease, "suggesting that it either inherited the bacteria from its mother or obtained it from an animal it had seized on for a blood meal



The homeopathic treatment of Lyme disease.

From this site:

The treatment of Lyme disease may be one of the more challenging of diseases for homeopathy to treat. Known to be caused by a spirochete bacteria, Borrelia burgdorfi, it is now known to  be compounded by a number of co-infections including viruses, parasites, fungi and molds and other bacteria. It seems the primary bacteria is able to allow the unleashing of other disease causing factors. Also, in more alternative circles it has been recognized that the underlying constitutional issues of mental/emotional distress, childhood traumas and illnesses, heavy metal toxicity, environmental pollutants and stresses etc all compound the susceptibility to Lyme and the reactive capacity of the organism.

New Test for Lyme from George Mason Univ.


New Test Shows Potential for Detecting Active Cases of Lyme Disease

By Michele McDonald

Alessandra Luchini

Worried that tick bite means Lyme disease? Mason researchers can find the answer well before the bite victim begins to show symptoms.

"If you are bit by a tick, you can't be sure if you will get Lyme disease―that is the biggest problem right now," says Mason researcher Alessandra Luchini of the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine.

Luchini and other Mason researchers are evaluating a new type of diagnostic test they developed for humans and their canine pals to pinpoint tiny signs of the bacteria that lead to Lyme disease. A study of the new type of test is underway. The test soon could be available commercially through privately held Ceres Nanosciences Inc., which partnered with Mason to develop the test and plans to market it to doctor's offices and veterinary clinics.

The culprit is the blacklegged tick. It can carry the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which leads to Lyme disease. To make matters worse, nymphs―about the size of the period at the end of this sentence―can bite unnoticed until the standard first sign of Lyme disease, a bull's-eye rash, appears.

Joint and muscle aches, fatigue, fever, chills, headaches, and swollen lymph nodes typically come next, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Center for Proteomics and Molecular Medicine researchers Claudius Mueller and Lance Liotta in the lab. Photo by Creative Services.

A dose of antibiotics usually kills the bacteria, but sometimes symptoms persist. Patients return to their doctor months and even years later, convinced they still have Lyme disease, says Lance Liotta, the co-director of the center. Until now, there was no way of knowing definitively if the disease was still active or not.

Current blood tests only show if the body has created antibodies to fight the infection. Antibodies remain even after the infection is beaten.

But the active Lyme disease bacterium sheds a very small piece of itself called an antigen while it's doing damage. In the past, these nanoparticles were too small to test. But thanks to technology developed at center, researchers can now use a "nanotrap" to capture the antigen in urine.

The patented nanotrap works much like a lobster trap, Liotta says. It's an open meshwork with bait inside. The traps look like tiny white balls under the microscope. "The protein that we want goes in and gets stuck inside," Liotta says. "It binds to that bait in the trap."

The researcher plucks out the antigen, which is protected while in the trap. If the antigen shed byBorrelia burgdorferi is found, then the patient has an active case of Lyme disease, Luchini says.

"The antigen is a component of the toxic-causing agent itself," Luchini says. "Instead of looking at the host response or whatever the human body does to fight the infection, we look at a piece of the infection-causing agent. Everyone measures the antibodies because it's much easier."

And it's those antibodies that can cause problems, Liotta says. Antibodies fight infection and react to the proteins in the bacteria. But antibodies don't stop with the infection—they move to attack proteins in the nerves, joints, and brain, Liotta says.

"The bacterium doesn't directly cause the damage," Liotta says. "It's the immune response that's doing the damage. The goal is to have a way to detect Lyme disease even before you make antibodies against it. Then you could treat the patient with antibiotics, and they wouldn't get all those terrible symptoms. Or, if someone has joint problems and they're convinced they have Lyme disease—and there are thousands of people who feel that way—it gives us a way to definitively say they do or don't have Lyme disease."

The inspiration for the test started about two and a half years ago when a high school student from Lucketts, Virginia, joined Mason's Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program and worked with Luchini and Liotta. Temple Douglas, now a junior at Princeton University, had family members who suffered from Lyme disease.

She even collected the first round of ticks for the initial work on the test. "I lived in the countryside, so whenever people found ticks on their animals or crawling on their pants after they went hiking, I would take them with me to the lab," Douglas says.

Ceres Nanosciences raised $1 million late last year, due in large part to the commercial potential of the Lyme disease diagnostic test, says Ross Dunlap, its chief executive officer. The results could do more than boost the company's bottom line, he says.

"It would be good not to be flooding every tick bite with antibiotics," Dunlap says.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BBC News: The brave new world of DIY faecal transplant

This is a pretty amazing story about the success of fecal transplants for numerous diseases, including C. difficile. Click through to read it.


The brave new world of DIY faecal transplant

A growing number of sick people are funnelling other people's faeces into their bowels - with or without help from doctors.

Read more:

Monday, May 26, 2014

More press on IDSA "Mayday" protest

Lyme Warriors Call for Congressional Investigation of CDC, IDSA, Vaccine Makers

By PR Newswire: Biotechnology    

Friday, 23 May 2014 05:00


ARLINGTON, Va., May 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Lyme activists, who have the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters surrounded and under siege, issued a call for a Congressional Investigation of corruption within the CDC, IDSA, and the vaccine industry.

According to Lyme researcher and activist, Carl Tuttle, "An investigation is long overdue. The conflicts of interest and improper influence among these originations has contributed to terrible suffering and financial losses for thousands of people."

Tuttle suffered from Lyme disease for twelve years and was misdiagnosed and denied treatment by multiple doctors before he was finally diagnosed with late stage Lyme disease. Despite receiving the IDSA recommended treatment, Tuttle remained ill and was bedridden on oxygen for several months.

New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola says, "Conflicts of interest are rampant in the vaccination infrastructure. The same people who are regulating and promoting vaccines are also evaluating vaccine safety."

In November 2006, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, now a U.S. Senator, launched an investigation of IDSA based on allegations of abuses of monopoly power and exclusionary conduct in the development of their guidelines, in violation of antitrust law.

In a May 2008 press release Blumenthal said, "My office uncovered undisclosed financial interests held by several of the most powerful IDSA panelists. The IDSA's guideline panel improperly ignored or minimized consideration of alternative medical opinion and evidence regarding chronic Lyme disease, potentially raising serious questions about whether the recommendations reflected all relevant science."

IDSA has consistently opposed patient-centered legislation. At IDSA's 2006 annual meeting "Defeat Patient Sponsored Legislation" was a top agenda item.

Mayday Project coordinator Josh Cutler is concerned about the adversarial relationship between the IDSA and patients. He says, "IDSA's response to the epidemic of chronic Lyme disease is to pretend it doesn't exist. Thousands of people suffer as a result. Instead of working for the benefit of patients, IDSA works to block legislation that would help patients."

In April 2014 Senator Bill Posey (R-FL) called for a Congressional investigation into conflicts of interests and corruption within the CDC and vaccine industry. Posey described "Huge conflicts of interest and a misinformation campaign conducted on behalf of the CDC. Their little media network twist[s] the truth to disparage, to malign, to vilify, to denigrate anybody who wants any kind of accountability."


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Press Release Contact Information:

Susan Harris

Media Relations



This release was issued through WebWire®. For more information visit

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SOURCE Mayday Project


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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inanna house for Lyme treatment

Inanna House: A New and Greatly Anticipated Hope For All Lyme Patients

From Public Health Alert, Nov 2012

by Sarah Lamando

You may or may not have heard about it, but

there has recently been quite a stir within the Lyme Community regarding an organization called "Inanna House," one that is giving them something they haven't seen in years...hope. Inanna House is an organization that intends on building the very first inpatient, residen- tial, holistic recovery center for Chronic Lyme Disease patients. The program would include all worlds of medicine, and is designed to address every aspect of healing; mind, body and spirit.

Some of the Highlights of this visionary center include:

designed to help care-takers understand exactly what their loved ones are going through, and how Lyme dis- ease and its co-infections are affecting them. This program will also give specific instructions so that care-takers will know how they can help their loved ones recover.

􏰀 The Center intends to incorporate Green Energy to help run the facility and make it as self-sustainable as possible. This will not only be good for the environment, but will also lower overhead cost, and thus, patient fees.

􏰀 24 Hour Care and moni- toring by Lyme Literate Healthcare Professionals as patients undergo individual- ized treatment plans to achieve optimal re-integra- tion and healing.

and specific therapies the center intends on offering, please visit their website at: /our-vision.html

The conception of such a place could only have come from someone who has wit- nessed the devastation, financial ruin, and complete abandonment by the current healthcare system regarding the treatment of anyone who has been caught in the mid- dle of this current medical nightmare, especially since it happened to her own daugh- ter. Her name is Mara Williams, author of the book, "Nature's Dirty Needle" and Certified Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of experi- ence as a health-care provider. So shocked at what she and her daughter had to go through in order to receive proper treatment, that she courageously decid- ed it was simply unaccept- able, and has ever since been fighting to see her vision for this unparalleled center be built. She is adamant in her belief that the current healthcare system is "bro- ken," possibly beyond repair, and that a "New Paradigm" is desperately needed. Her center will be the first of many to model this new par- adigm as she intends to have numerous centers all over the country, the first to be built in Sonoma, California. Currently, a campaign

is being held on, created by a single Chronic Lyme Disease Patient, Sarah Lamando, who after helplessly watch- ing her family be torn apart over her illness, chose this organization because she knows that although she could not prevent it from happening to her, Inanna House might be able to pre- vent it from happening to others. She believes in Mara's vision SO strongly that she has tirelessly attempted to raise funds that would literally expedite the creation of this center, and bring it one step closer to a sorely needed reality. To view the campaign, please visit /InannaHouse

ANY contributions towards this cause would be much appreciated. Even those who cannot contribute, can still help make the cam- paign a success by sharing it with others through social medias or by direct e-mails. If successful, Inanna House would gain global exposure and media attention which could only further accelerate the building process of this amazing center.

Governor of Vermont signs Lyme treatment bill accepting ILADS standard of care!

Governor Peter Shumlin signed a bill Thursday aimed at giving doctors more latitude to treat long-term symptoms of tick-borne illnesses, which advocates lauded as a good first step.

"We have one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in America, per capita, and what we know about Lyme disease is that if not detected early it is an extraordinarily debilitating disease that can uproot the life of an otherwise very healthy Vermonter," Shumlin said.

The number of confirmed cases of Lyme disease in Vermont grew from 11 in 2002 to 674 in 2013. Shumlin encouraged Vermonters to become educated about the symptoms of Lyme and check themselves regularly for ticks.

The law requires the state Board of Medical Practice to issue a memo saying that it won't censure clinicians for using alternative methods to treat patients with ongoing symptoms of Lyme and other related diseases.

Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses are typically treated upon diagnosis with a two- to four-week course of antibiotics, and if caught early, the disease is unlikely to have lasting health effects. However, if it's not detected early, it can be difficult to diagnose and treat.

There is medical controversy over the benefit of using long-term antibiotics to treat persistent symptoms of those illnesses.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines advise against long-term antibiotic treatment. The agency points to studies that show prolonged antibiotic treatments don't lead to better outcomes than placebos and can lead to serious complications.

But the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society provides guidelines for the treatment of persistent Lyme that include prolonged antibiotics as an effective treatment. The society is a nonprofit medical group focused on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and associated diseases.

Advocates said it's difficult to find doctors who will treat their symptoms using longer courses of antibiotics, forcing patients to go out of state for treatment in some cases.

Carol Gardner, a family medicine doctor in Colchester, who frequently treats patients for lingering symptoms of Lyme disease, said the bill gives her peace of mind.

Gardner said she's never experienced any direct pressure from the Board of Medical Practice or the Vermont Medical Society, but she said, "We know they have a more conservative view."

The board's job is to enforce medical standards and because Lyme is an emergent problem, those standards don't endorse alternative treatments, Gardner said.

David Herlihy, executive director the Board of Medical Practice, has said there are no public cases of physicians being sanctioned for prescribing antibiotics to treat Lyme in a way that didn't mesh with the board's guidelines.

Investigations of complaints against physicians only become public when they result in charges or a stipulation against physicians.

Dr. Harry Chen, commissioner of the Department of Health and a past member of the board, has said there are other ways, short of a stipulation, that the board can exert influence on a provider, but he has not seen it used to discourage a specific treatment.

"(The law) removes restrictions, or perceived restrictions, on doctors from being able to practice a range of medical care for people with Lyme," said Sen. David Zuckerman, P/D-Chittenden, who joined the governor, several other lawmakers and activists who pushed for the new law – many of whom suffer from the ongoing symptoms of Lyme or have loved ones who do.

Zuckerman's wife, Rachel Nevitt, attended the bill signing as well. Nevitt has Lyme disease and her symptoms have taken an emotional toll on their marriage and impacted their family business, he said.

Patients like Nevitt suffering with prolonged symptoms can experience severe fatigue, headaches, joint pain and anxiety.

"Prevention is the most important thing, second is early detection," Zuckerman said, adding that he hopes the new law will bring greater awareness of the signs of Lyme among health care providers and the public.

Bernadette Rose has struggled with persistent symptoms of Lyme and spent nearly a decade advocating for legislation to protect physicians and increase education around alternative treatments.

She said the bill is a step in the right direction, but she hopes the medical community will include the guidelines for treatment endorsed by the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society as part of continued education for physicians.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fox5 News IDSA Protest Coverage

Fox5 news gave almost decent coverage to the recent IDSA protest. Check out this video.

I would have liked it more have there been any reference to the existence of ILADS, the competing association of medical doctors who have their own opinions about the use of antibiotics for treating chronic Lyme, and who feel adamant from their clinical work and scientific studies, that chronic Lyme disease does, in fact, exist. But, at least this seemed to be fair and thoughtful coverage as far as it went. At least, for those of us who suffer from chronic Lyme disease and associated coinfections, it gave us a voice that seems credible.

Sleep study at Stanford

If you've ever thought of having a sleep study done in order to see what might be wrong with your sleep, take a look at me here.

After about an hour of putting electrodes all over my scalp and body, putting a wire down my esophagus,  a strain gauge across my chest, and more, they tell you to now lie down and go to sleep. Ha! If you thought you had trouble sleeping before, well, you REALLY have trouble now! 

Actually, it was very helpful, and they determined that I had sleep apnea. 


Always good to have a laugh now and then...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Three-part series on Bartonella research from University of North Carolina

Bartonella is a common coinfection carried in the same ticks that Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) is. Bartonella is particularly tricky to diagnose because there are many different strains. Because animals contract it regularly, veterinarians are more aware of Bartonella than are most human doctors. Veterinarians at North Carolina State University have been researching Bartonella a lot recently. I actually had my blood tested there for nine different strains of Bartonella. In my case, they all came back negative. Even still, my Lyme doctors seem to believe that I have some kind of Bartonella-like organism (BLO) because of degradation in my skin, including small rupturing capillaries. 

Here is a three-part article from that school on their Bartonella research: (part 1 of a 3-part series)  (part 3 of a 3-part series)

"Bartonella bacteria are highly evolved, survive in multiple insect vectors and in dessicated flea feces, and enter our bodies in a stealth-like manner, switching off our immune response as it takes residence in our tissues.

"It persists despite aggressive treatment and is clearly a contender for diseases transmitted by blood transfusions. Physicians must be cognizant of the stealth nature of this pathogen and the alarmingly high frequency of seronegativity."

Scroll down and you will see "7 responses to the article.  One said, "Dr Jemsek of "under our skin" movie fame put me on 600mg Omnicef, 1000 mg Azithromyacin and 200mg Minocyn every other day (cyclical). HUGE improvement. I also am taking 100 BILLION probiotics and numerous nutracells a day for immune suppression problems. People with severe issues need to look into Infectious Mycoplasma infection as a coinfection. Google IMMED or Prof Garth Nicolson."

But scroll down further to the bottom and read James Plyler's comment for some excellent points:

 "Overall, consider the treatment issues. With the Bartonella bacteria being inside the cells, it is most vulnerable to antibiotics when outside the cell during replication. Most bacteria replicate quickly. Bartonella replicates every 22 hours. Anytime in 22 hours that effective antibiotic plasma levels are not maintained in the blood, the Bartonella may be able to continue to replicate. To address that issue we have to try to use antibiotics that maintain effective plasma levels. Look at the half-life numbers for various antibiotics to see how long they persist in your blood.

It would be important to use antibiotics that have good intracellular penetration, and that will provide effective treatment against the Bartonella while inside the infected cells, but what are they? We need research to find that out...As far as the diagnosis, realize that there is no such thing as a negative Bartonella test. Testing can only confirm a clinical diagnosis. Studies indicate that the standard Bartonella testing accuracy may be as low as 18%. Tragic if your doctor does not know that. While costly, for both you and them, Galaxy Diagnostic's highest priority is to provide the most accurate Bartonella testing. They do, but be aware that even they get false negatives, and even their testing can only confirm a clinical diagnosis.

Encourage the IDSA to revise the Lyme treatment guidelines

I am posting this a few days after the event, but better late than never. Some of the links here are still relevant, and if you missed the event you can still have an effect. Read through this article and see the links you can click and officials you can phone or email to make your opinion known.



#TheMaydayProject #ReviseTheGuidelines #Protest #LymeDisease #IDSA

Operation Storm The IDSA

If you want to make a difference…here is your chance!...
We need all Lyme patients to participate.

This year, The Mayday Project as well as Lyme patients plan to storm the IDSA with every ounce of strength we can muster. Below you will find instructions for those of you who are unable to make it and would still like to participate. We are going to tacklem them from every imaginable angle. Their building will be surrounded with Lyme patients, billboard trucks and supporters for two days. Over the next two days we will flood their phones, emails, fax machines, and social media sites with truth…an evidence based document providing a concrete case for chronic Lyme disease, the likes of which has yet to be presented to them. We are demanding they overturn the incorrect guidelines that are causing suffering to hundreds of thousands and even death. The changing of the guidelines and the acceptance of Chronic Lyme is our goal on these two days. We are demanding better treatment, research, and a cure. The whole world will be watching as we take this entire event to the internet via live stream.

Watch as we confront the IDSA here:

Here is how you can help:
Throughout the day, we need people to post on the IDSA's Facebook page, sharing the document "Scientific Proof of Chronic Lyme Disease" provided on our website.

Download "Scientific Proof of Chronic Lyme Disease" here:

IDSA's Facebook Page:

Hammer the IDSA twitter page, using the hash tag #revisetheguidelines #themaydayproject2014 #CureLyme #LymeDisease

Throughout the two days, we also want people to call (703) 299-0200 demanding a change to the outdated guidelines. Call them from all over the country and world. When you call, use every single option on the menu, talking to everyone you can. Keep calling them!

Fax "Scientific Proof of Chronic Lyme Disease" to the IDSA at (703)-299-0204.

Use their website contact page and flood as many of your stories of Chronic Lyme as you can. Let them know how you have followed their protocol for antibiotic therapy and are still sick and bedridden.

Here is a list of people we will call and ask them to review our evidence and respond accordingly. If they tell you that they can't help you, ask them to put you in contact with someone that can. Do not take no for an answer!

Vice President of Communications:
Diana Olson
(703) 299-0201

Communications and Public Affairs Officer:
Jennifer Ford
(703) 299-0412

Sky Opilia (312) 558-1770

If anybody has any other contact information for the IDSA, please inbox Josh Cutler or Amber Limbaugh.

Stay vigilant and keep pressing them! We have the evidence, now let's force them to see it and start the process of Lyme disease being accepted as a persistent ongoing infection. Be prepared to make history May 22 – 23, 2014!
All relevant information regarding the event will be at
The Mayday Project
A Lyme Disease Protest in Arlington VA. May 22-23, 2014. Be heard, take action, and join us.

Lyme Disease Association newsletter

The webinar on persistence of Lyme disease after antibiotic therapy happened yesterday, but I understand it will be posted for listening to, after the fact. I will come back and edit this page to include the link once I have it.

Note the legislation introduced by US House of Representatives Democrat, Chris Gibson, in the second story below. "Vector-Borne Disease Research Act of 2014."


May 2014
In This Newsletter
DC Lyme Legislation Introduced
NYS Residents: Action Needed
LDA/Columbia 15th Lyme Conference: Full House
LDA/SLAM Partner To Raise Lyme Awareness
In Memory of Pioneer Lyme Researcher
Helpful Links
Lyme Case Maps
Don't wait - every dollar you donate helps the LDA continue it's educational programs and fund research to find a cure!

Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our videos on YouTube

RI Capitol
"Green" for Lyme
Thanks to LDA
Rhode Island Chapter
Today: Federal Webinar on Lyme Persistence - Join In!
Sign Up Info Below 
Ben Beard, PhD, CDC Speaker, LDA/Columbia 2012 Lyme Conference  
 Webinar Convener

Today, May 22, 2014 from 1:00-2:30PM ET, a
webinar hosted by the HHS Working Group on Lyme & Other TBD will highlight the state of research on persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi. Significant animal studies will be discussed by the researchers who did the studies. Phone lines will be available for call in questions.
Joseph J. Breen, PhD, NIH
Facilitator, LDA/Columbia 2014 Lyme & TBD Conference
Webinar Moderator
Federal Lyme Legislation Introduced Yesterday in DC
The volunteer-run national Lyme Disease Association (LDA) is supporting the "Vector-Borne Disease Research Act of 2014," introduced yesterday by U.S. Representative Chris Gibson (NY-19). Since being
Representative Chris Gibson
elected to Congress in 2010, Rep. Gibson has been a vociferous proponent for better awareness, diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases (TBD). Upon entering office, he immediately joined with long-term Congressional advocates for TBD sufferers, Reps. Chris Smith (NJ) and Frank Wolf (VA), as well as the ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee, Colin Peterson (MN).
The Act strengthens the structure at the federal level for addressing vector-borne diseases, defined for the bill's purposes to mean infections "transmitted to humans or other animals by ticks, mosquitoes, or fleas, such as Lyme disease." The LDA appreciated the opportunity to provide input to the House as this legislation was being drafted to ensure robust provisions to address TBD within the more encompassing VBD bill.
The Act requires the Directors of NIH and CDC ("Directors"), within 6 months of enactment, to identify 2 or more bacterial or parasitic diseases that have a high domestic incidence and to develop a scientific framework for the conduct or support of research for each. For purposes of identifying a VBD and developing a scientific framework under this bill, tick-borne diseases, including Lyme and other TBD will be treated as a single VBD. That grouping takes into account the geographic spread of ticks, multiple infections carried by the same ticks, and the clinical significance of co-infections in humans. This action prevents the majority of lesser known TBD in the U.S. from being left outside the scope of a framework, but allows for discretion in how to address each TBD.
Action Needed - New York State Residents

Your assistance is needed to ensure that sick patients receive the  
appropriate treatments that they require for Lyme disease.