Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lyme Conference video from Skidmore College now available online

The live webcast of the Lyme conference hosted by Skidmore College in New York last week was quite emotional at times, and certainly informative. Missed it? No worries. The video stream was recorded for those who want to watch it after the fact.

They broke it into three parts. (Loved the typo in the file names - 'bourne' instead of 'borne'. Someone's got the Bourne Supremacy on their mind. Then again, taking on the CDC, IDSA, and NY State is kind of in the action-movie category.)

IMHO, Drs Richard Horowitz and Kenneth Leigner were the big attractions. Horowitz gave a high-energy Power Point mini-course in Lyme and associated diseases. Leigner fully socked it to the establishment IDSA contingent, with a dressing down the likes of which I hadn't heard from an LLMD before. Pam Weintraub was the keynote speaker - passionate and articulate as always.

For direct links to the videos, you can click here:

Part 1:

Part 2:
At 1:47 (one hour, 47 minutes) into part 2, Dr. Leigner makes his compelling statement.

Part 3:

Here's the program and list of speakers:


9:00 Morning Session Opens Christina T. Fisk, Co-Chair Organizing Committee
Welcome to LymeNEXT Congressman Chris Gibson, 20th Congressional District, NY

9:15 Keynote Address
Into the Woods: The Patient Journey through Lyme Disease
Pamela Weintraub, Executive Editor, Discover Magazine and author of Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic

10:00 The Scope and Economic Burden of Lyme Disease
An Epidemic of Lyme Disease? Holly Ahern
The Economic Impact and Burden of Lyme Disease Lorraine Johnson

11:15 A Diagnosis that Fits the Disease - Multiple Chronic Infectious Disease Syndrome (MCIDS) Richard I. Horowitz, MD

1:20 Afternoon Session Opens Christina T. Fisk, Co-Chair Organizing Committee

1:30 Protecting Physicians who Treat Lyme Disease Daniel Cameron, MD

2:00 Preventing Transfusion-Transmitted Babesiosis David Leiby, PhD

2:45 New Methods for Lyme and TBD Detection Ahmed Kilani, PhD

3:15 A “Manhattan Project” for Lyme Disease Kenneth Liegner, MD

3:45 Closing Remarks Congressman Chris Gibson

1 comment:

  1. Give you joy of the solstice, and thanks for posting the video.


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