Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Mepron - Helps knock-off Babesia. But how much to prescribe?

Yes, Mepron, despite how weird it looks (like yellow paint) it's a useful medicine. I took ot for about a year once, and it cleared up a lot of the issues in me old cranium department."

"For mepron to work you have to push the dose- 5cc tid for 5 months minimum and must be taken with a huge amount of fat- in absorption studies, the test subjects had 23g of fat with each dose! I had ordered blood level measurements after the third week, goal being 20+, but this test may no longer be available.

I use artemesinin SOD from Researched Nutritionals, but as with all artemesia products there must be a regular break in treatment- typically 3 weeks on and one off.

Cryptolepis, green tea egcg and sida are commonly added.
Specialty OTCs from Byron White and Susan McCamish help some but not others, and some have a hard time tolerating a full dose.
I also like to add transfer factors."

I think'll just file this, since I have already done that treatment. Just thought I would spread the word. 


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