The Lyme Disease Fact Sheet
Lyme Disease & Tick Bites
Ticks can transmit Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Symptoms vary by disease, including fever, chills, and fatigue.The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food offers free tick identification to New Hampshire residents. The intent is to monitor the distribution of tick species in NH. Complete the Tick Submission Form
Avoiding Tick Bites
- Stay on trails outdoors; avoid areas of overgrown brush and tall grasses.
- Wear light-colored clothes so ticks can be easily seen.
- Wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long pants tucked into boots or socks.
- Check yourself often for ticks.
- Use insect repellent containing DEET or permethrin (follow directions).
- Arboviral & Tick Prevention for Kids
- Avoid Mosquito & Tick Bites
- Tick/Mosquito Poster
Is It A Tick Bite?
- Spider Bite – Several fluid-filled bumps appear at the site of the bite.
- Tick Bite – The bite is hard, itchy, and forms into lumps. A red, rash-like halo surrounds the bite and then slowly spreads outwards.
Removing An Attached Tick
- Remove the tick promptly. The sooner you remove it, the less chance of infection.
- Use tweezers to grasp the tick's mouthparts at the surface of the skin.
- With a steady motion, gently pull the tick straight out.
- Wipe the bite area with an antiseptic, or wash with soap and water.
- Be alert for symptoms of illness over the next 7-10 days.
- Do not squeeze the tick.
- Do not rub petroleum jelly on the tick.
- Do not use a hot match or cigarette.
- Do not pour kerosene or nail polish on the tick.
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