
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ACAM Podcast link!

Here's an incredible link to the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) recorded lectures.
As many as 76 talks, all free. All are about integrative medicine and alternative treatments. Much of these apply to Lyme treatment. They are podcasts and can be played in iTunes. You can also subscribe and the downloads will happen automatically.


  1. Hi Bob,

    I responded to a blog of yours a year or so ago and I just wanted to say your lyme blog and information is most excellent. Your blog is my GOTO for the best, most recent lyme news. I started my own blog 4 years ago but did not upsate until recently. Its more just personal ramblings that for whatever reason makes me feel own therapy I guess. Your mind is sharp where mine is dull at the moment.

    Thank you for all you do! B aka Lizzie

  2. thankyou Bob for posting the ACAM links...listening right now..:-)


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