
Monday, May 16, 2011

Pyroluria , theory that it is caused by Lyme

Interesting treatment suggestion for anxiety attacks, OCD, etc. with niacin, zinc, and inositol.  Also, some discussion of Lyme disease coverup.


  1. Pyroluria is NOT caused by Lyme disease. Sheesh. It's perhaps found in some folks with lyme, but you don't need Klinghardt's expensive, and unproven supplements to treat it either.

    Google pyroluria, and you'll find a lot more accurate information than at the 'curezone' link above.

  2. There is a lot of bad information out there. Pyroluria/pyrrole disorder is a condition. When a person has an elevated urine kryptopyrrole level they have a double deficiency of vitamin B6 and zinc. It is been documented that it is genetic. Whether you call it mauve factor, kryptopyrrole or HPL, hydroxylactam of hemoyrrole or hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) it's all the same. Treatment with nutrients-particularly vitamin B6 and zinc-reduces urinary excretion of HPL/mauvefactor/kryptopyrrole and improves diverse neurobehavioral symptoms in people with elevated urinary HPL/mauve factor/kryptopyrrole.
    When a person has lymes they may or may not have an elevated urine kryptopyrrole. Lymes is a problem and is not caused by pyrroles. A person may already have the condition of pyroluria and would benefit from the correct dose and form of vitamin b6 (p5p) and zinc picolonate, citrate or gluconate. The dose should be tailored to the individuals age, body weight, lab results and symptoms. Take too much it can be toxic, take the wrong form it can be ineffective. If a person has lymes and has an elevated kryptopyrrole they would benefit from nutritional supplementation. Will it cure lymes? Absoluetly not. May it help with symptoms related to pyrrole disorder. Absoluetly.
    Kindest Regards,
    Ellen Hanson CLT(HHS) MLT(ASCP)
    Direct Healthcare Access II In.c

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