
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Negative Test? You may still have Lyme disease...

Sturbridge Lyme Awareness of Massachusetts

S.L.A.M. is located in central Massachusetts and is committed to raising awareness of Chronic Lyme Disease and supporting legislation for better treatment and a cure. Chronic Lyme remains controversial in the medical community and until legislation is passed, Lyme sufferers struggle to get appropriate treatment and insurance coverage.

Over 300,000 people a year are now affected, in this country, by Lyme Disease and the co-infections that are associated with Tick Borne Disease (TBD). Lyme Disease out-numbers AIDS 5 to 1. Current testing is poor which means many go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for far too long. Poor testing leads to Chronic Lyme Disease which can affect every part of the body. Fibromyalgia, MS, ALS and Autism are just a few of the diseases linked to Lyme Disease.

Currently our Lyme-literate doctors are too few and far between. These doctors, however, are our key to being properly tested for Lyme and the co-infections that might be making you ill. They are our only hope for up-to-date treatment of Lyme and TBD's. We can help you find one.

ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Disease Society) is training our doctors to become Lyme literate through their Physician Training Program, and are key to fighting for research and a cure for Chronic Lyme Disease. Contact ILADS for help finding a doctor and for great information. 

Working with ILADS and helping to fund the program, is Turn the Corner Foundation. Visit their website for great information to educate and to donate.

The Lyme Disease Association has worked tirelessly to raise funds and has helped in opening the Lyme Disease Research Center at Columbia University in New York. Both sites have great Lyme information to educate yourself and information on how you can help in the fight for a cure! and

Time For Lyme is a CT-based organization which offers a Lyme curriculum available to all schools at a small cost. They also offer great information and support. Do what you can to make your school Lyme Literate!

While S.L.A.M. works with the lyme community to raise awareness of Chronic Lyme and works in support of State and Federal Lyme legislation, we ask that you contact your state legislators to support any Lyme legislation that comes their way. Click here to help. Every voice counts!

S.L.A.M. is host to a monthly support group, "Tick Talk", which is open to lyme sufferers and their family members. Please see our calendar page for dates and times or contact 

Together we can make a difference!

Governor Deval Patrick has signed a Proclamation declaring the month of May as "Lyme Disease Awareness Month" in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! With the help of Senator Stephen Brewer who wrote the Governor on our behalf, this May will be the first official "Lyme Disease Awareness Month" ever in MA.

Please take part in "Ribbons Across America"! Hang those lime green 'ribbons' for all to see for the month of May! "Ribbons" serves to raise awareness and to remember those who have lost their battle with tick borne illness.

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