
Monday, May 23, 2011

Lyme Awareness Training at Tilden Park

Linda talking to a couple of hikers
Yesterday, Sunday, a group of us from the local Lyme support group (LEAPS) went up to the Inspiration Point trailhead in Tilden Park which is in Berkeley, California. The intention of the gathering was to do some public education about the hazards of ticks in the area, and help to prevent contracting Lyme disease. Under the direction of Barbara Arnold (who was at one point the support group's leader) we displayed signs and handed out brochures and samples of Ben's tick repellent.

We even talked with a medical doctor who had, just days before, prescribed a prophylactic dose of Doxycycline to a patient. After speaking with us, she began to rethink the minimal dosage she had prescribed.
Linda and Jen and a nice sign

We also handed out postcards with the local PBS TV air times for the Under Our Skin documentary that will broadcast in many cities this month, official Lyme Awareness Month.

All in all, we were there for about three hours and talked to quite a number of people about Lyme disease, treatment, and prevention.
Barbara Arnold chats with some hikers

Jenn, Doan, Bob, and  Barbara

Thanks to the following:
For acquiring hand-outs:
  • Susan Savod
  • Justin Repp
  • Barbara Arnold
For making signs:
  • Pamela Sophia
  • Barbara Arnold
  • Doan Duong
  • Linda Flower
  • Steven Collier
For attending the event and passing out tick repellent and literature:
  • Jennifer Alcaide
  • Barbara Arnold
  • Steven Collier
  • Bob Cowart
  • Doan Duong
  • Linda Flower
  • Susan Schacht

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